I've started another hat! I finished the Star-Crossed Beret below, but I can't find it. I wore it before washing/blocking it and now I can't find it. It'll turn up.
In the meantime, I'm working on November Leaves. I'm using the awesome Brooklyn Tweed Shelter. The color is "Woodsmoke" and which may appear to be a bit uncharacteristic of me. I guess it is for knitting, but I always love pairing bright colors with neutrals--I just usually knit the loud pieces to wear with subtle-colored clothing. I'd like to start knitting with neutrals more, but the siren song of color always grabs me and won't let go.
This pattern is really cute and the yarn is perfect for it. I just hope the wool isn't too, um, rustic for me. I have an undiagnosed allergy that coincidentally started when I was knitting a hat for Mr. Sweetie with some very itchy Peace Fleece we bought in Maine. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. I hope.
Anyway, I'm really into hats right now. I can't wait to get started on this one.
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